
for high school, middle SCHOOL,
AND elementary

The Smoky Mountain Music Festival continues its dedication to excellence by offering school musicians an opportunity to demonstrate their talents before prestigious adjudicators in a beautiful setting. For over 30 years the festival has drawn musical groups from over 29 states and Canada.

Festival Judges 2025
Choral Judges

Instrumental Judges

Festival Dates 2025

April 4, 2025
April 11, 2025
April 25, 2025

deadline dates

$50 deposit per person attending/$100 per performance group due Jan. 16

Application: Feb. 1

Rooming List: 45 days prior to festival

Repertoire List: 30 days prior to festival

Final Payment: 30 days prior to festival


Adjudication of concert bands, jazz bands, orchestras, choral groups and winterguards, indoor drum line, and other auxiliaries at the Gatlinburg Convention Center. Awards' Ceremony for all Friday events will be held at the Gatlinburg Convention Center immediately after last performance.​


Adjudication of Street Parade on downtown Gatlinburg "Strip." Awards' Ceremony at end of competition.

The Smoky Mountain Music Festival provides not only a beautiful venue in which to perform, but the trip is enhanced by the grandeur of the Great Smoky Mountains, and by the many activities available for students to enjoy. Combine this with nationally recognized adjudicators, who provide positive feedback so that the participants may enjoy a memorable learning experience and this festival earns two enthusiastic thumbs up!

Dr. Paula A. Crider
Professor Emerita, The University of Texas

As a long-time Choral judge for the Smoky Mountain Music Festival, I happily suggest to any empowerer of young people through choral music to put this festival on your must-do list! You won’t find any cut-throat competition here…only positive feedback that will help your choir improve, and what festival do you know where you can take an exhilarating hike in the Smoky Mountains just a short distance from your hotel! Come join us!

Dr. Kirby Shaw

Register Now!
Registration form & information

Instrumental Setup Form
Choral Setup Form

Parade Information 

CONTACT US: 865-567-7189 9:00am-5:00pm (Eastern) Monday-Friday E-mail:  smokymountainmusicfestival@gmail.com